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God is Able

Writer's picture: Brittany UlmanBrittany Ulman

Much in life is based on ability. Children are graded based on their ability to recall, understand or practice specific information. Athletes are selected and praised based on their ability to perform at a heightened level. In the workplace, employees are awarded and retained (or penalized and released) based on their ability to complete their designated job. Restaurants, hotels and other businesses are rated based on their ability to deliver their respective service. Movies, books and social media outlets are ranked based on their ability to entertain and capture consumers’ minds.

Whether we admit it or not, most of us evaluate others (and ourselves) based on their abilities, whether that be physical, intellectual and/or social. Our worth has become almost intrinsically intertwined with our ability, or inability, to contribute to society in some fashion (though the measurement of such contribution has no set plumb line and changes with societal whims).

Multiplication worksheet
Chris Liverani photo | Unsplash

Even within the Church (the global Body of Christ followers), we, too, can easily implement this mindset in our walks with God. The more I meet people of all faith stages, the more I see this “I’m not enough” attitude as a resounding theme.

When asked why they don’t share their faith more or talk to others about God (even fellow believers), many Christians respond, “I don’t know enough.”

This statement perplexes me. What exactly is “enough?” How do you know if you have attained “enough?” What happens if you do eventually reach the “enough” level? Do you cease to learn, having acquired all the knowledge about God and His Word?

Beyond exposing deeper theological errors, this line of thought derives nowhere but from the enemy, Satan (also known as the devil and deceiver). We know it’s from him because of the way it distorts the truth.

If by “enough” you mean you do not know enough information about God and His Word to answer every question people may have, guess what? No one does! No human has ever known enough! Not even the apostle Paul knew enough, and he wrote over half of the New Testament.

Only an infinite, all-knowing (omniscient) God can know all the questions and their answers. The point is not for you to have all the answers but point people to the One who does!

The first disciples knew Jesus to be God because He knew all things and did not need anything explained to Him (see John 16:30). If His omniscience was how the disciples identified Him as God, why do we think we should know everything?

The point is not for you to have all the answers but point people to the One who does!

Not to mention, people are not changed by head knowledge alone, but heart transformation given by the Holy Spirit’s presence within them. Does He use head knowledge as part of His transformative work? Absolutely! Faith is not the absence of truth and logic, but is founded upon the One who is Truth and within Whom logic originates. God thinks and therefore encourages people to do the same. He made us in His likeness, and this includes in our abilities to think.

If faith was nothing but blind emotions, God would not transform us through the renewing of our minds (see Romans 12:2). The Greatest Commandment would not be to “‘love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind’” (Matthew 22:37). God would not encourage man to reason with Him (see Isaiah 1:18).

Only when the Holy Spirit-empowered heart transformation has begun can head knowledge lead to anything worthwhile and good. This is what Jesus meant when He said, “‘Apart from Me you can do nothing’” (John 15:5b). Without the mutual abiding of you in Christ and Him in you, mere knowledge only causes you to be a rigid, empty vessel who can recite information but lacks belief in the One behind it. Or as Paul says it, like those who have the appearance of godliness yet deny its power (2 Timothy 3:5a). We see this time and again in most of the religious elites of Jesus’ day. They knew the Scriptures (the Word of God) yet were not transformed by its truth (see John 5:39-40).

White pottery mug sitting on wooden table
Annie Spratt photo | Unsplash

You will never know all there is to know about God. But rather than discourage us, this should invigorate us! God is so vast, so majestic, so completely wonderful, He cannot be known in fullness. You will never plumb the depths of His might, power or wisdom. The mountain of His knowledge and preeminence is one of which you will never see the top, let alone reach. He is that amazing, and yet, He chose you!

He chose to love you and give Himself for you through Jesus’ sacrificial death on the Cross. He chooses to use you for His Kingdom purposes, even in your brokenness, weakness and all of your other “not enough-ness.” You are not enough, but He is!

The enemy wants you to wallow in your lack so you do not see and grab hold of the abundance you have in Christ. Our loving Father, on the other hand, wants you to see your lack so that He can prove His overflowing sufficiency in all things (see 2 Corinthians 12:9). The enemy intends to shame, condemn and resign you with his half-truth. God guarantees joy, freedom and boldness for those who believe in Him, not to mention the infinite list of other blessings He bestows (namely, an eternal relationship with Him).

Just as our faith is not based on works but His grace (see Ephesians 2:8-9), our service to Him is based on His ability, not ours. Whatever ability you do not have enough of, trust God is enough. If you’re afraid you aren’t bold enough to follow Him however He calls, know He is bold and enables us to “be as bold as a lion” (Proverbs 28:1). If you fear you are not strong enough to bear what may come your way as a result of following Him wholeheartedly, hear Him when He says, “I give power to the faint, and to him who has no might I increase strength” (see Isaiah 40:29). If you shrink back because you are not wise enough and don’t know what to do, remember, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him” (James 1:5).

Whatever ability you do not have enough of, trust God is enough.

Sit with the Father and listen for the Holy Spirit to guide you to the Truth. The Word of God is our fuel and our weapon (see Eph. 6:17-18). It allows us to persevere and to combat the lies of the enemy. Wield this mighty weapon in prayer and watch the enemy cower in fear. Join Paul and proclaim, “I know Whom I have believed, and I am convinced that He is able to guard until that day what has been entrusted to me” (2 Tim. 1:12).

Repeat that Truth until it is the very breath you breathe. You may not be able, but God is. Trust in His ability, follow Him and watch Him perform wonders among you.

God Almighty has entrusted you with the amazing privilege to know Him and make Him known. This is a calling you cannot fulfill on your own, but take heart, He is able!


English Standard Version Bible. (2001). Crossway Bibles.


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