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Brittany Ulman
Sep 20, 20243 min read
Bridge the Gap
We're to be One as the Father and Son are One. Bridge the gap and be God's vessel to dismantle the dividing wall between the generations.

Brittany Ulman
Aug 16, 20243 min read
More Time with Less People
Was Jesus' disciple-making strategy to attract large groups or equip the few to start a movement?

Brittany Ulman
May 30, 20233 min read
Jesus Wept
For Jesus, showing emotion was not a sign of weakness, but a bridge to those around Him.

Brittany Ulman
Aug 5, 20228 min read
Singleness is Not a Sin
In its effort to encourage Godly marriages, has the Church swayed from God's original intent for marriage and His plan for each Christian?
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